패키징의 전도성 밀도 증가

March 8, 2021 inbob软件半导体故事通过Shaun Bowers


With lower losses, a given size power device can control higher power loads. For example, with GaN power transistors, a power system can have ¼ the size, weight and efficiency losses compared to a silicon-based system. GaN technology can solve the system challenges from the low power (50W) end to medium and even high-power levels in wireless systems and more. Its acceptance in 5G applications makes it well-positioned for sophisticated low to medium power packaging. Similarly, SiC has power control capabilities beyond those of Si MOSFETs and requires advanced packaging for many applications. The gains and advantages in WBG devices need new packaging options to maximize the value of the entire power system.


图1。Available power discrete capabilities include(一)PQFN进化,(二)eD2PAK with heat spreader tab,


从根本上改善电力sp的功能ace, three things must occur. First, the total conductivity from source and drain needs to be maximized. Second, thermal and electrical interfaces need to be eliminated or considerably reduced in length/thickness. Third, the conductive material density of the package needs to be increased. In the below figure, we examine the conductive density across a wide range of power-specific packaging in use today.



需要创建新的封装格式,以最大限度地提高封装中的导电密度。一个概念是PowerCSP™ Amkor开发的技术。PowerCSP技术的导电密度通常在40-70%的范围内,因此可以设计成比传统电源封装小得多的外形尺寸。这种增加是由于使用了连续的铜基板而不是夹子或导线。

图3。PowerCSP的实现™ 技术显示了它的灵活性和许多施工方案。

In the PowerCSP technology, designs allow the die to use all the available source and drain area by connecting the die directly through a Cu pad that serves both as the current-carrying and heat-dissipating element. This results in lower resistance and inductance for the package compared to the group. Total package conductive density plays a factor, and also the use of the entire interface for source and drain to minimize potential losses in the system.

图7。PowerCSP中RDS、LDS和Ciss的模拟比较™ (PCSP)设计不同版本的eD2PAK、TOLL和LFPAK包.


Shaun Bowers是亚利桑那州坦佩市Amkor Technology Inc.的主流高级封装集成副总裁。他于2000年加bob体彩入Amkor,目前负责汽车、引线框架和动力包装业务部门的包装开发。他曾担任技术项目管理、销售和客户服务等职务。在加入Amkor之前,他曾为Johnson Matthey Electronics和Honeywell Electronic Materials工作。他拥有冈萨加大学机械工程学位。